Yay...and Nay.
Okay...I have a handful of pros and cons for this song -- first, the pros.
I like how you decided to make a very unique mix of this song instead of going for the usual techno-ish approach. It all sounds so-well put together, also the guitars sound wonderful with this music, and overall, the song is just very nice....it just has this sort of floaty, carefree feeling to it, rather than the normal calming effect.
Now, the cons.
Some songs....should just NOT be remixed as rock. As you said above, the main reason why this song is so popular, is because it's relaxing. I honestly thought the whole song was going to be this peaceful, and even started going to sleep to it, then suddenly, loud rock. Don't get me wrong, I like alot of rock and I still think this mix is still great, although, the rock parts kinda ruined it for me, not to mention the sudden changes in tempo...The rock sort of feels more like an interruption to the peace, rather than an addition to it.
Its probably just me, but I really want to hear this without the really heavy parts...But still, overall I give you a 9/10.